Regenerate Africa has established Kijudde Regenerative Farm – a 40ha Regenerative Farm at Kalanamu in Luweero district. The farm offers technical and data expertise, strategic advice, and training to help farmers and food brands build supply chains that actively regenerate our ecosystem and communities. The key partners involved in this project are: Regenerate Africa, Rapid Advisory Services, Kijudde Community, and Luweero District Local Government.
We believe large scale adoption of regenerative agriculture is key to climate and food security.
Regenerative Aagriculture includes principles of ecosystem stewardship, rooted in centuries-old indigenous wisdom, that provides healthy, nutrient-rich food for all people, while continuously restoring and nourishing the ecological, social, and cultural systems unique to every place.
The Farm delivers research-based solutions and innovations that harness agricultural biodiversity and sustainably transform food systems to improve people’s lives and showing case the environmental and economic benefits of regenerative agriculture practices. We educate and support Local Governments (LG), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), private sector companies, local communities and farmers to fully implement regenerative agriculture and for effective uptake of climate change mitigation and environmental conservation measures. We provide green start-ups, financing and technical assistance to businesses and projects committed to combine profit, planet/nature and people including ecosystem conservation, renewable energy, restoration and sustainable livelihoods for local communitiess.
To date the Kijjude Regenerative Farm has benefited 1,000 households within Luweero and Buikwe districts.
Project Partners: Regenerate Africa, Rapid Advisory Services, Kijudde Community, Luweero District Local Government.
Project Location: Kalannamu, Luweero District Uganda