The project geographical focus is in selected six (6) districts in Uganda i.e. 3 in the Lake Victoria Basin (i.e. Mukono, Buikwe and Kayunga) and 3 in the Mt. Elgon Region i.e. Bukwo, Kapchorwa, and Kween The project objective is, ´´to enhance small scale coffee farming communities’ resilience to climate shocks and stresses and increase
The celebration of Heroes in Uganda has become a societal culture with people hailing both national heroes and their personal ones across various platforms.The Heroes Outdoor Adventure was one such platform in which many people came together to celebrate the true unsung heroes (the trees). This year the Great Outdoors and NTN a fitness outfit
Published on 5th/06/2022 As the world commemorates World Environment Day, we raise our voices to re-echo this year’s theme – “We only have one earth”. The OnlyOneEarth campaign calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet. At Regenerate Africa, this is at the crux of our beliefs
Bees4Women Project Regenerate Africa has partnered with Happy Bee Honey, Action for Rural Women Empowerment, Hold Uganda, Private Natural Forest Owners and Women Beekeepers groups across 10 districts of Uganda to promote promote sustainable beekeeping to combat poverty, build resilient livelihoods and benefit biodiversity among women and girls in forest communities. Honey production is ideally
Bwema Island Forest and Landscape Regeneration Project The project consists of investments in about 500 hectares of forests in Bwema Buvuma aimed at enhancing the forest management regime towards closer to nature practices, natural regeneration and enhanced ecologic and biodiversity conditions.Investments target the natural regeneration and optimiaation of forest ecosystems in Bwema Island, specifically respecting
Regenerate Africa supports sustainable extractive activities and value addition for Kalanamu SmartLog Cooperative that benefits over 100households organised in a cooperative
Kalanamu Forest Greater Outdoors and Recreation Center Recreating in nature and forest offers us opportunities to better connect with the earth and inspire us to be good stewards by preserving, protecting and regenerating the ecosystem. Not only that, outdoor forest recreation is a part of Regenerate Africa’s priority areas and has partnered with Rapid Advisory
Regenerate Africa has established Kijudde Regenerative Farm – a 40ha Regenerative Farm at Kalanamu in Luweero district. The farm offers technical and data expertise, strategic advice, and training to help farmers and food brands build supply chains that actively regenerate our ecosystem and communities. The key partners involved in this project are: Regenerate Africa, Rapid
Nalumuli Bay Ecosystem Regeneration and Restoration Project (1000ha) The project is located in Buikwe District, Ssi-Bukunja Sub-county. The project landscape covers the whole sub-county of Ssi-Bukunja which is one of the few sub-counties in the greater Mukono that still have significant natural forest cover which is largely owned and managed by private entities, communities and